Are You Including Video Marketing in Your Local Business Marketing Mix?
Over 3 billion videos are viewed on YouTube every single day. Consumers who view an online video are 85% more likely to make a product purchase (source: internetretailer). What are you waiting for?
Benefits of Video Marketing
• It’s Inexpensive: Creating your video doesn’t require any fancy equipment and many of us already have what we need to get started. Getting your video online is free through many services or costs very little to host on your own website.
• It’s Targeted: In the “olden days”, the only place you could really get your video seen by thousands, or even millions, was by advertising on TV which can be VERY expensive. In addition, inevitably you are paying to have your commercial shown to people who aren’t likely to ever become your customers.
With video marketing, you can laser target your videos to reach a specific audience and market to that audience, so that your message gets in front of the right people. And luckily, even though people outside your market may view your videos, it doesn’t have to cost you a penny to have them see it.
• It’s Trackable: Online marketing is much easier to track than traditional media venues with the availability of detailed analytics and tracking, from how many times your videos are viewed, to how many people ordered your product or service because of a video, you have these statistics at your fingertips 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
• Visibility in Local Search: One important thing to realize that is that today’s customer is Internet and tech savvy. Just because they’re in your local area it doesn’t mean they know how to find you. People no longer look in the Yellow pages when searching for something – they “Google” it. They’re searching online, looking for reviews and recommendations before they visit your store or office.
If they can’t find you online, then they aren’t going to walk through your door. Video helps you get in front of a local audience that is already looking for a business like yours.
• Increases Website Traffic: Video marketing can be a great source of extra traffic to your website. No, you’re probably not going to see millions of visitors every day and you may not become a YouTube sensation, but you can certainly grow your targeted traffic and turn many of those visitors into paying customers and clients.
• Keep Visitors on Your Site Longer: Having a video on your website increases the length a visitor stays on your website, especially if your video is engaging and compelling.
• Establish Yourself as an Expert: People want to do business with people who know what they’re doing. Online video provides you with the opportunity to show that you’re knowledgeable in your area of expertise.
Whether you’re a cosmetic dentist demonstrating a certain procedure or a lawyer advising fathers on how to get fair access to their children, informative videos show you to be a professional that potential customers can turn to.
• Increased Credibility: Not only do people look for businesses that know what they’re doing, they want to feel like they can trust them and that, in some way, they know them. Video helps create a more meaningful connection to viewers to a much greater extent than text or images alone.
• Increase Loyalty from Existing Customers: As a business owner, you already know that it’s easier to get an existing customer to buy from you again than it is to acquire a new customer. Our regulars are our bread and butter. There’s no doubt about that. Of course, it’s important to keep growing your clientele, but it’s crucial that you stay in the mind of customers who have purchased from you before. Video is a great way to do that.
Whether it’s providing helpful how-to information or sending a video message of thanks, there is so much potential to tap into with your video camera.
Need Some Help With Your Local Business Video Marketing?
We have options starting as low as $45. Click on the image below for more details: